Found old (1980) book on Traditional Lapstrake Boatbuilding by Walter Simmons. Liked some of the designs and was able to chase down the still alive designer/builder.  He resides in Linconville Maine and will be sending me his drawings for a 15-ft Sailing Wherry. Will review and see if within my ability – it is supposed to be a difficult boat to build [Single piece rabbeted stem, scribed frames, tumblehome on transom, concave laps at keelson +…]. But, Walter was interested in providing guidance and help with any questions. He saw my Peapod and told me “You have a good eye for lines” That’s high praise from a Master Builder.


Lisa not too keen on another addition but there could be worse habits than building small boats.


Walter Simmons 1980 Photo


Scottish Built – not many of these


15Ft Christmas Wherry