Now that the shop is set-up how I want…
Note that I am going to build the little sister (Penobscot 13) in couple weeks with Arch in Brooklin Maine end of month.
Per Arch
“The basic procedure for building the Penobscot 14 is as follows: On a simple jig will set up the stem, transom, three temporary frames, and two partial bulkheads. Over these you bend the keel, sheer clamps, and five stringers each side. Next you bevel the stem and keel to accept the planking, which is scribed along the stringers, cut, and glued and screwed in place. At the bow you cut the gains, tapered rebates that make the laps between the planks disappear as they approach the stem. When planking is complete, you removed the hull from the jig, turn it over, and take out the temporary frames. The boat is completed by fitting the seats, centercase, knees, rail cap and the like. Epoxy resin is used as a sealer and primer inside and outside for paint and varnish.”
Sounds simple enough – My goals/timeline for this boat are:
Before Winter:
- Make – Stems, Transom, 2 bulkheads, 3 “temp frames” – aka molds) before it gets too cold for epoxy to cure.
Spring 2024
- Set-up building jig/molds
- Get stringers faired in
Spring/Summer 2024
- Plank and turnover
- Finish Interior
Summer/Fall 2024
- Wrap things up and get on water
Still have not decided upon sail config….
Couple pics of completed boat – very nice looking.
Another fine example
Update August 3, 2023
Just got the drawings and build instructions from Arch – going to count this as day 1 of the build…