Always wanted to try these - have built solid plug models but these use a totally different...
Wood Only
Launch Day – 9/20/2024
Finally got "Lisa Lou II" down to Mascoma Lake for initial launching. No leaks (wasn't really...
Boat Finally Complete
Little over 5 1/2 months work (maybe 600 man-hours) but finally completed scratch built Beach Pea....
Still On Hold
Can't catch a break with weather last week. Humidity just too high to get a good bonding paint...
So Close To Being Done
High humidity has everything stopped - can't paint when above 75% or so. Final punch list; Paint...
Hull Painted And Stemband On
2nd Coat on and drying - should be flipping over once more to complete. The brass oval keel guard...
Pretty Wood Getting Make-up
It's almost a shame that this wood is getting painted over, but that's how these boats were in the...
Patterns, Patterns, and Patterns
Most people don't know that hand built boats (not kits with CNC parts) require many patterns - in...
Got the floorboards fitted. They are 3/8" Sapele Ply, 1/4" gaps and 3/8" round over. Since they...
Getting to the almost done phase. Hylan recommends beveling 8-degrees at center and splining...
Open Gunwale Designed and In Place
I decided to modify Hylans plans just a little. He uses 7/8" wide spacers with a 6" gap for his...
Floor Beams
Took longer than I though to laminate and fit the floors (the transverse rib-like structure). They...
Interior Structure Moving Along
Got the thwart risers on yesterday and cut all the 1/8" lams for the floor beams. Too hot today to...
Clamps, Rails, Molds, and more Clamps
With the boat finally upright, have to install Gunwales, Rub Rails, etc... Hull was too flexible...
Right Side Up – Finally
Big step yesterday getting hull out of the molds and flipped right side up. Probably weight under...
All Planked Up
Finally got all the planks on - a bit challenging due to weather (too cold), length of strakes...
It was recently brought up that no selfies have been included in Beach Pea Build - so here it is....
3rd Plank And Some Problems
Something off with designers off-set dimensions. Not certain if my mistake or his. We did have...
2’nd Plank On
Takes me about 3 days to get a set of strakes prepared for the boat. That doesn't include at least...
First Pass Cleaning Bottom Board
Beginning to take shape - this is hardest plank to get right. If you look at aft end, you can get...
Garboard Done
Most difficult part of project (according to designer) completed this morning. Hylan says the...
Bottoms Up, and Garboard
Making real progress now that warm enough to use epoxy. One of the toughest thing on the boat is...
Cold Weather Slowing Me Down
Managed to get the bottom boards scarfed together but also broke the battens I was planning to...
Beach Pea Taking Shape
Beginning to look a little like a boat now. Heading to Boston in couple of days to pick up Sapele...
Shop Finally Gets Painted Bright
After waiting 9 months for pressure treated plywood to fully dry/cure finally warm enough (40...
Molds Almost Completed
Took almost 30 man-hours and 3 sheets of 3/4 OSB but got the molds for Beach Pea. This is truly...
Beach Pea Progress
Couple of crazy warm days so in the shop today. We normally don't hit 45-degrees until late March...
Tool Update and Reviews
Been awhile since I've done any posts or tool reviews and since I've updated a few things and it's...
Garage/Beach Pea Configuration
Spent last day and a half working an optimized garage layout. Need a couple of long tables (16-ft)...
Beach Pea Update Jan-2024
A guy at the dog park mentioned he was building a "Pond Yacht" over the winter which is a 48-inch...
Kayaks removed from Eastman Pond
Looks like fishing season is over for this year. Probably the worst season I've ever had. Constant...
Garage Fix Done
Couple of things needed to get done before winter arrives. Replace all trim and roof/overhang...
Multi-functional Kayak Rack
Decided to build a kayak storage rack that could be used to: Stack both kayaks next to fence on...
WBS Penobscot 13 Build (Finished – Sept 9, 2023)
Day 0 (Sunday - Aug 27, 2023) Nice but long drive to Brooklin Maine - took scenic route via...
Garage/Shop – config until winter
Just finished last storage issue (4x8 sheets of plywood) and we actually test fit both vehicles in...
New Plane For Boat
I used one of these last year building the Peapod at WBS in Brooklin and it was very very nice....
Boat Project – Day 1 and 2
Now that shop is almost done (still waiting on lighting to arrive) decided to start working my...
Recycled Desk
I made this desk probably 15 years ago from solid poplar (knew it was going to be painted). Has...
Shop Modifications Started/Finished
Decided to modify walls in shop. The open studs just collect sawdust and spider webs. Using...
Deck Stain Finally Done
Been almost a month since pressure washed deck. The non-stop rain/ weather constantly putting off...
Spring Cleaning with the Pressure Washer
Every couple of years we have to pressure wash deck and apply another coat of stain topside. When...
Finally Finished NH House
After 5+ years, countless hours and close to $200K spent working on our NH house we completed the...
Entry Stairs Again – Ver 2.0
Going to rework the entryway one more time. It is nice that after 5+ years of work, everything in...
Going Back to Wooden Boat School!
Heading back next summer to build a Penobscot 13 with the legendary designer/builder Arch Davis....
Butler Pantry – Christmas 2022
Dave built this butler pantry a few years ago - cherry cabinets, quartz countertop, walnut slab...
Peapod – John’s update
John (guy who won raffle and took boat home) just updated everyone on how much he has completed....
Peapod – Finished at WBS
Last time I saw the boat in Maine - it had just came out of the shop. Pretty good looking - can't...
Peapod – Upright and Watertight
Almost complete - everything coated with epoxy. Just need to finish seats, floors, trunk, and...
Peapod – Out of the Molds
All the planks on, gunnels clamped. I always heard you can never have enough clamps.
Peapod – Moving Fast
Bottom on, garboard planks set - this took us a couple of days. Geoff showed a couple ways of...
Peapod – First Day
Ladder built, molds in at their stations. We did this pretty quickly as Geoff Kerr (Instructor)...
Wooden Boat School – Peapod build
Have been wanting to get to the Wooden Boat School in Brooklin Maine for a while. Was scheduled...
Adirondack Chairs
Another batch that I was going to make for local NH Craftsman Sale here in Eastman. However; after...
Tools Storage
Grantham, NH - helping Jim move and he didn't want to take this tool storage. It's pretty nice but...
Carved Pike
Here is my first attempt to carve a realistic fish pattern. Found some images inline to scale...
Chair Parts
Last batch made - used clear northern white pine. UPDATE - this pine leached pitch/resin through...
Last of the floor tiles
Almost done (last room) - setting these 12x24 tiles was murder on my knees.
Swifty Part 3 – completed
All done and ready to go to raffle. Not certain who won it, but I do know they were not from...
Bathroom Vanity – downstairs
Used Baltic Birch - big mistake. Wood too hard to take small hinge/runner hardware. Had to make...
Garage Shop
This is as clean as it gets - I really like this layout. Only like this for summer, winter means...
McInnis Bateau Carved Model
The McInnis Bateau is a design I have always admired. It is from the 1940's and was John McInnis...
Swifty Part 2
Getting there. Deck on and just a bunch of sanding and painting to complete
Eastman Boat Building – Phase 1
Partially completed Swifty 12 built by the Intergenerational Boat Building Club here in Eastman....
Closet Storage – Bonney Lake, WA
Backyard in Bonney Lake, WA
This was the backyard Lisa and I built at our Bonney Lake house while I was working for Boeing....
Dave’s Desk
Bonney Lake WA
Justin’s Desk
Book Storage
Made from Sassafras. The original sassafras was used for a tongue and groove ceiling project for...
First Project That I Can Recall
This lamp is almost exactly the same as one that I turned while in 7th grade woodshop class...